Voice Actor.

Your versatile performer known for podcasts, video games, and TV dubs.

I am your…

Kooky Wizard
Romantic Lead
Awkward-Funny Teen

“Just your friendly neighborhood
voice actor and improviser…”

Texas-native Mateo Ervin is an actor, voice actor, improviser, and game enthusiast based in Brooklyn.

Equally at home in wacky cartoons, reserved commercial reads, and meditation tracks, Mateo’s versatile and warm voice has netted him roles on YuGiOh Rush Duel: Enter the Battle Royale (Nintendo), Too Hot to Handle: Brazil (Netflix), and Idle Defence Arena (iOs and Android).

When not performing or recording, you can find Mateo teaching chess or pursuing any number of side-gigs. His hobbies include Magic the Gathering, Scrabble, and reading Amish romance novels aloud to his wife and their foster cats.

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Casting Networks
Actors Access